Tag Archive | Rereading

On the Topic of Rereading…

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Well Mr Lewis… I wholeheartedly agree!

I don’t know how all of you feel but when I like a book I usually reread. Done. End of story.  There are some books that I own that I have read and reread and have reread again.

But there are others that think that books are only meant to be read once. I don’t have any issues with people saying that just as long as they don’t judge me.

When I reread a book, I find things I missed the first time. It is just like watching a movie for the second time. “Oh, I did not remember this!” or “I cannot believe that character said that.”  When I reread a book I really liked the first time I usually find it better. Sometimes that is not the case. For example, think of a book you liked when you were a teen. Reread it today. I find that sometimes my preferences change with time. But then there are some books I reread and liked it even better.

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Do you reread or do you only read a book once?