About Me

Hello Dear Readers,

If you clicked this link, I know you want to get to know a little more about the person behind this blog. So who am I? Well I would say I am an ordinary American girl who loves to read whenever I get the chance to, loves to spend time with my crazy but awesome family, and loves to talk to people about reading and books.

Ever since I was little, I have enjoyed reading and sharing good books with others. One of the first gifts I gave to someone was an illustrated/abridged copy of the book The Little Princess. I remember spending a few quarters on that copy from a used book store. I counted the days till Christmas. I was so excited to give that book to my younger sisters. From that day on, I have enjoyed recommending good books. I do not think there has been a Christmas that I have not given a book to one of my family members. Today, my sisters still have that book tucked up on their bookshelf.

That is why I started this blog a couple of years ago. To spread the love of reading! Because reading all starts with a book, whether it is a hard copy, digital copy, or a audiobook.

I write this blog in my spare time and there is no schedule to when a next post will come. When I feel inspired to write, I do. I also have a Goodreads page where I rate, recommend, and share books. I can be found here. In this blog you will see I read many books ranging from many genres. Some reviews may be long and others may be short. Or I might just post book recommendations. It just depends on my mood. ( :

I enjoy other things beside books. For instance, I enjoy building puzzles, playing the piano, writing, working, and spending time with my family.

So, by this time you are thinking that I am crazy or maybe you understand me a little better. Either way I don’t care. I am me and you are you.

Happy Reading!!!


P.S. I get asked a lot about what my favorite book is. Well, as a reader, I could never be forced into choosing just one. So here are a couple of books that I would highly recommend.

There are plenty more I really enjoyed but I had to stop somewhere. If not, it would be a never ending list!